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How ''Sex Education'' Really Teach The Teenagers


We know that nowadays the popularization of the beginning reserved for young people in sexual matters is increasingly on the rise, mainly due to the high level of early pregnancy.  And what to do when a young person has no desire to listen to lectures on sex education and how important a condom is?  Of course, you introduce something that they consume daily involving comedy, romance, representation, but mainly, information.

“Sex Education” tells the story of Otis (Asa Buttlerfield) who shows great knowledge in the area, thanks to his mother Sexologist, sets up a sexual clinic at school with Maeve (Emma Mackey) who joins the idea and from there, it's just history.  The important thing about the series is that all the subjects covered are very balanced in information and comedy, both connected but never something that exceeds the limit. In addition to talking about the strength of the character Maeve in relation to the family, an intelligent adolescence who needs to work to support herself, and always facing difficult socio-economic reality.

We can also address the discovery of sexuality in Adam (Connor Swindells) in relation to Ncuti Gatwa's character, Eric.  And then the consequences of that being in a family, where the father is extremely prejudiced and old concepts. And how much a psychological affected since his family life can impact on being the 'good boy' or the 'bad boy' even though attitudes of lack of character are not explainable, always somewhere from where it started.  But there is also always some place that can make that person recognize his mistakes and go back, after all, we all have mistakes and we need to stop thinking that there are perfect people, this is ending people's empathy.


And although I think there are many other important issues, I want to highlight just one more last. I believe that perhaps the most talked about — the female union.  When Aimee Gibbs is sexually harassed on the bus and despite the discomfort and the feeling of invasion, she found that she could pretend that the situation was normal and forget. But on the other hand we have Maeve showing that it is not normal and tolerable, it is criminal. And despite the strong intuition that it would do nothing, she helped her friend to go to the police station and report. And then the strong unity in showing support for Aimee and making her feel comfortable going to the bus school again. Perhaps the best point ever made by the series.


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